Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Time.

Okay, it's time.

The baby is almost 5 months old. So I need to stop looking 5 month pregnant.

Here is my plan:

1) Take a walk every morning with the baby.
She's up. I'm up. Why not? It's quiet and cool out. We've done it three mornings so far. It's been fun.

2) Do Pilates.
On Demand, Exercise TV, has a great 20 minute Full Body Pilates workout. So far this week, the baby has been very cooperative after our walk and has let me do most of the 20 minute workout. Feels great!

3) Banish Cookies and Ice Cream.
I've been using food as a reward after a long day. But after a long day, I do not have the willpower to stop eating. Time to use fruits and vegetables instead. Also, I ate a bowl of pasta on Monday for dinner, and then felt like someone hit me over the head with an anvil. I think I'm too sensitive to refined carbohydrates. I will try to focus on "superfoods" that serve some kind of purpose in my diet.

So that's the plan. I need to weigh myself so I know where I'm beginning. Although I have enough BEFORE pictures from the last few months than I know what to do with.

I would like to commit to the Broad Street Run this year, but so far my knees cannot do the running. Maybe once I get a bit more fit I can try again.

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